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Farmer Field Day at Cloud Mountain Farm Center

flyer for Farmer Field Day with floral background.


June 23
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
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June 23 @ 9:00 am 12:30 pm

flyer for Farmer Field Day with floral background.

Join us at Cloud Mountain for a fruit-focused Farmer Field Day on Sunday, June 23, 2024. The event will run from 9:00am – 12:30pm, and will include a farm tour, a talk about a surprising beneficial insect by Robert Orpet, Research Assistant Professor at Washington State University Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center, and a demonstration of trials on a paper alternative to plastic mulch in partnership with WSU researcher Lisa Wasko DeVetter, Associate Professor of Small Fruit Horticulture and leader of the statewide Small Fruit Horticulture research and extension program, with WSU graduate student Ben Weiss.

It’ll be a morning packed with valuable information, and the best part is, tickets are free! Learn about sustainable alternatives to plastic mulch, hear how to ally with earwigs for pest suppression from an entomologist, tour the farm, chat with the Whatcom Conservation District about their equipment share program, and network with other growers.

Únase a nosotros en Cloud Mountain para un Día de Campo de Agricultores centrado en la fruta. Será una mañana llena de información valiosa, y lo mejor es que las entradas son gratuitas. Aprenda sobre alternativas sostenibles al mantillo de plástico, escuche cómo aliarse con tijeretas para la supresión de plagas de un entomólogo, recorra la granja, charle con el Distrito de Conservación de Whatcom sobre su programa de uso compartido de equipos y establezca contactos con otros productores.


  • 9:00 – Introductions and Farm Tour Maia Binhammer, Cloud Mountain Farm Center
  • 10:00 – “Managing Earwigs: How and Why to Conserve in Pome Fruits and Suppress in Stone Fruits” Robert Orpet, Washington State University
  • 10:45 – Break
  • 11:00 – “Demonstrating an Alternative to Plastic Mulch in Organic Fruit Production” Jacob Mills, Cloud Mountain Farm Center; Lisa Wasko DeVetter, WSU; Ben Weiss, WSU
  • 12:00 – Networking
  • 12:30 – Closing

Field Day will involve some walking across uneven terrain. If you require accommodation, please let us know by emailing annikas@sustainableconnections.org.


June 23
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Event Category: